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Oven Repairs & Problems!!


Our service engineer can help you, should you have a problem with your oven.







Finding parts!!


“Should you wish to source parts for your oven we can do this for
you,whether it’s door seals, hinges, light bulbs, filters or spare parts in general. Please read
the text below, as you may find this information useful.” 








How To Find Your Cooker Serial Number


There are a couple of occasions when it pays to know where to find your cooker serial number; firstly, when establishing the age, make or model of your appliance, and secondly, if you experience a problem with your cooker and need to call out a professional engineer. If you can provide this number to the customer services agent when you call, it can greatly facilitate the problem resolution and ensure that your favourite kitchen appliance is up and working again in no time!​


To find the serial number of your oven or cooker, look firstly inside the oven door for an obvious sticker. This may also be located on the oven body when you open the door up. Failing that, ask someone strong to pull out the cooker or oven and check for a label on the back of the appliance. If you have your user manual to hand, you may wish to check this first to confirm the location before you start hauling kitchen equipment around!


In fact, one of the best things you can do when installing a new cooker or oven is to make a note of the serial number at the time – particularly if the sticker is located on the unit’s reverse! Add the serial number to the manufacturer’s user manual, and store this together safely with the service record and warranty information for easy access. It’s also worth noting down the contact number just for extra peace of mind and speedy fault resolution if required!

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