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Landlord & Tenant


Rent Houses In Demand


As the rental sector has become larger over the past few years it is natural for a landlord to want good presentation to his/her property so it is possible to attract a good quality tenants and a good monthly rental.
Having a sparkling clean oven, hob, and extractor before the tenancy begins will also entitle the disconcerning landlord to request that the items are restored to the best condition at the end of the tenancy.




With more and more properties coming to the market place tenants have more to choose from and as location has been as ever important so is the overall condition of the property. As the tenant it is probably best to inspect the oven whilst looking over the rental property before singning any rental agreement. And if all is not well with the oven suggest to the landlord that he talks with a professional oven cleaner like Apple Oven Clean Swindon. Let's face it, most of us can live with our own remnants but the thought of inheriting someone else’s just isn’t a pleasant one.
So if you are a tenant coming to the end of your agreement please remember that your landlord will need the cooking appliances restored to the original condition they were in when you moved in and they may also hold back some of your security deposit to cover the cost of the cleaning fee. 



​Landlords and letting agents use Apple Oven Clean on a regular basis. This ensures that all
the cooking appliances are in pristine condition for the incoming tenant.
All our operatives work alongside letting agents and private landlords, so we know what is
expected of us. We try to make sure we deliver a quality service each time. We can carry out
work at short notice, and we can also go to and from the office to collect keys. We work
evenings and weekends too if necessary.

End Of Tenancy Tips



End of tenancy cleaning is something that cannot be ignored as it is the only thing that can provide you your security deposit back. Obviously, everyone wants to get the deposit back. Before performing the end of tenancy cleaning, it is required that you must prepare yourself by performing some tasks. First of all, you need to decide who is going to perform the end of tenancy cleaning tasks. It must be kept in mind that end of tenancy is not that easy,so never take the decision to do it yourself without considering hiring a cleaning company. If you think that you are not capable of hiring a cleaning company then you have no other way but to clean yourself. But if you can afford hiring a cleaning company then do not take the risk of performing the difficult cleaning tasks by yourself as there are chances that you cannot handle them properly. Furthermore, these tasks are also very hard to be performed and can take a lot of time that you might not give after having a tiring and hectic day. If you have decided to do the end of tenancy cleaning by yourself then it is suggested to make a list of all the tasks that you need to do. This should be done by visiting each and every part of your house. In this way there are hardly any chances that you are going to miss anything that needs to be cleaned. It must be kept in mind that anything missed by you can be picked up by the surveying agent or the landlords. 

High Standards From Tenants and Landlords 


Because of the trend of cleaning companies today, almost every landlord and agent expects the end of tenancy cleaning to be of the professional standard. If you fail to fulfil their expectations then they can even charge you penalties for it. The landlord might even hire and appoint some cleaning company for the cleaning tasks that can get costlier for the moving tenant. Also, the time that the tenant has spent in performing the cleaning jobs will be just wasted. It is also possible that the tenant has to pay the cleaning costs as well that will obviously not desired by any of the tenants. After making a list of all the cleaning that you need to do the next thing is to collect all the products that you need for performing cleaning jobs. These things seem to be very obvious but it is a fact to know that there are a number of people who start performing their cleaning jobs without having adequate cleaning materials. As a result, the cleaning results will not be satisfactory. Also if you are performing your cleaning tasks without having adequate cleaning products then you might not clean the things properly and it might take longer to clean the surfaces without proper cleaning materials. It can also harm the surfaces when you do not clean them with the appropriate materials. Always make sure that before starting cleaning jobs all the cabinets, cupboards and drawers are emptied so that cleaning can become easier for you. Also, keep off all the things from the countertops so that your time is not wasted in doing all this stuff. Another good idea is to take the tips from some professional cleaners that might help you a lot in simplifying the cleaning job. It is suggested that you must always tackle the hardest area first so that all of the efforts and energy are applied on the hardest area to clean. Normally, bathroom and kitchen are considered to be the hardest parts of cleaning. 


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